188 PDF Books
Perennial Wisdom (Perennial philosophy; Latin: philosophia perennis) is the notion of the universal recurrence of philosophical insight independent of epoch or culture, including universal truths on the nature of reality, humanity or consciousness (anthropological universals). It is also referred to as Perennialism.
Perennialism is a perspective within the philosophy of religion which views each of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single, universal truth on which foundation all religious knowledge and doctrine has grown. Each world religion, including but not limited to, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto, Sikhism and Buddhism, is an interpretation of this universal truth adapted to cater for the psychological, intellectual and social needs of a given culture of a given period of history. The universal truth which lies at heart of each religion has been rediscovered in each epoch by saints, sages, prophets and philosophers. These include not only the 'founders' of the world's great religions but also gifted and inspired mystics, theologians and preachers who have revived already existing religions when they had fallen into empty platitudes and hollow ceremonialism.
Philosophia perennis is also the central concept of the Traditionalist School formalized in the writings of 20th century thinkers Rene Guenon, Frithjof Schuon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
A PDF collection of 188 eBooks about Perennial Wisdom. eBooks are sorted on author's name.
Books list:
Aymard, Jean-Baptiste and Laude, P. - Frithjof Schuon, Life and Teachings (2004).pdf
Azevedo, Mateus Soares de - Men of a Single Book, Fundamentalism in Islam Christianity and Modern Thought (2010).pdf
Azevedo, Mateus Soares de [editor] - Ye Shall Know the Truth, Christianity and the Perennial Philosophy (2005).pdf
Ba, Amadou Hampate - A Spirit of Tolerance, The Inspiring Life of Tierno Bokar (2008).pdf
Bies, Jean - Returning to the Essential, Selected Writings of Jean Bies (2004).pdf
Borella, Jean - The Secret of the Christian Way, A Contemplative Ascent Through the Writings of Jean Borella (2001).pdf
Burckhardt, Jacob - Judgments on History and Historians (1958, 1999).pdf
Burckhardt, Titus - Art of Islam, Language and Meaning (2009).pdf
Burckhardt, Titus - Foundations of Oriental Art and Symbolism (2009).pdf
Burckhardt, Titus - Introduction to Sufi Doctrine (2008).pdf
Burckhardt, Titus - Mystical Astrology According to Ibn 'Arabi (2001) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Burckhardt, Titus - The Essential Titus Burckhardt, Reflections on Sacred Art Faiths and Civilizations (2004).pdf
Burckhardt, Titus - The Foundations of Christian Art (2006).pdf
Campbell, Joseph - Myths to Live By (1971).pdf
Campbell, Joseph - The Hero with a Thousand Faces 3rd (2004).pdf
Campbell, Joseph - The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Metaphor as Myth and as Religion (2002).pdf
Campbell, Joseph - The Masks of God, Creative Mythology (1968) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Campbell, Joseph - The Masks of God, Occidental Mythology (1964) (no OCR) v1.pdf
Campbell, Joseph - The Masks of God, Occidental Mythology (1964) (no OCR) v2.pdf
Campbell, Joseph - The Masks of God, Oriental Mythology (1962).pdf
Campbell, Joseph - The Masks of God, Primitive Mythology (1960).pdf
Campbell, Joseph - The Power of Myth (1991).pdf
Campbell, Joseph [editor] - Man and Time, Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks (1958).pdf
Casewit, Jane [editor] - Education in the Light of Tradition, Studies in Comparative Religion (2011).pdf
Chittick, William C. - The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi (2005).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - A New Approach to the Vedas (from Perception of the Vedas) (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Am I My Brother's Keeper (1947) (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism (1916) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Elements of Buddhist Iconography (1998) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Figures of Speech or Figures of Thought, The Traditional View of Art [Revised Edition] (2007).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Hinduism and Buddhism (1999) (no OCR) v1.pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Hinduism and Buddhism (1999) (no OCR) v2.pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Akimcana, 'Self-Naughting' (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Atmayajna, 'Self-Sacrifice' (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Bhakta Aspects of the Atman Doctrine (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Dante's Paradiso (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Indian Traditional Psychology, or rather Pneumatology (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Kha and Other Words Denoting Zero in Connection with the Indian Metaphysics of Space (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Lila (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Maha Purisha - 'Supreme Identity' (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Manas (mentation) (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Measure of Fire (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Nirukta (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), On the One and Only Transmigrant (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Play and Seriousness (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Ramakrishna and Religious Tolerance (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Recollection, Indian and Platonic (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Socrates is Old, The Meaning of Words (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Some Pali Words (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), The 'E' at Delphi (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), The 70th Birthday Address (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), The Flood in Hindu Tradition (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), The Flood in Hindu Tradition.pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), The Meaning of Death (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), The Tantric Doctrine of Divine Biunity (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), The Vedanta and Western Tradition (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), The Vedanta and Western Tradition v1.pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), The Vedic Doctrine of 'Silence' (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Vedic 'Monotheism' (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Vedic Exemplarism (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Metaphysics (Bollingen series), Who is 'Satan' and Where is 'Hell' (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Perception of the Vedas (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - The Bugbear of Literacy (1949) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - The Dance of Siva, 14 Indian Essays (1918) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (2004).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - The Indian Craftsman (1909) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - The Origin of the Buddha Image (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Time and Eternity (1947).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - Traditional Art and Symbolism [Bollingen series] (1977) (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, A.K. - What is Civilization and Other Essays (1989) (no OCR).pdf
Coomaraswamy, Rama P. - The Destruction of the Christian Tradition (2006).pdf
Cooper, Jean C. - An Illustrated Introduction to Taoism, The Wisdom of the Sages (2010).pdf
Corbin, Henry - Alone with the Alone, Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi (1969) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Corbin, Henry - Cyclical Time and Ismaili Gnosis (1983).pdf
Corbin, Henry - Temple and Contemplation (1986).pdf
Cutsinger, James S. - Paths to the Heart, Sufism and the Christian East (2004).pdf
Deutsch, Eliot and Dalvi, Rohit - The Essential Vedanta, A New Source Book of Advaita Vedanta (2004).pdf
Eliade, Mircea - Cosmos and History, The Myth of the Eternal Return (1954) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Eliade, Mircea - Cosmos and History, The Myth of the Eternal Return (1954) (no OCR).pdf
Evola, Julius - Men Among the Ruins, Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist (2002).pdf
Evola, Julius - Revolt Against the Modern World (1995) (no OCR).pdf
Evola, Julius - Ride the Tiger, Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul (Scan, OCR).pdf
Evola, Julius - The Doctrine of Awakening, The Attainment of Self-Mastery According to the Earliest Buddhist Texts (1996).pdf
Evola, Julius - The Hermetic Tradition, Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art (1995) (no OCR).pdf
Evola, Julius - The Mystery of the Grail (Scan, OCR).pdf
Evola, Julius - The Yoga of Power, Tantra Shakti and the Secret Way (1992).pdf
Fitzgerald, Michael Oren - Frithjof Schuon, Messenger of the Perennial Philosophy (2010).pdf
Griffin, David Ray and Smith, Huston - Primordial Truth and Postmodern Theology (1989) .pdf Guenon, Rene - Fundamental Symbols, The Universal Language of Sacred Science (Symbols of Sacred Science) (1995).pdf Guenon, Rene - Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta (2001).pdf Guenon, Rene - Perspectives on Initiation (1946) (Scan, OCR).pdf Guenon, Rene - The Crisis of the Modern World (2004) (Scan, OCR).pdf Guenon, Rene - The Essential Rene Guenon, Metaphysics Tradition and the Crisis of Modernity (2009).pdf Guenon, Rene - The Great Triad (1991).pdf Guenon, Rene - The Lord of the World (Le Roi du Monde) (1983).pdf Guenon, Rene - The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus (2004) (Scan, OCR).pdf Guenon, Rene - The Multiple States of the Being (2001).pdf Guenon, Rene - The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times 4th (2001).pdf Guenon, Rene - The Symbolism of the Cross 3rd (1996).pdf Herlihy, John - Borderlands of the Spirit, Reflections on a Sacred Science of Mind (2005).pdf Herlihy, John - Wisdom's Journey, Living the Spirit of Islam in the Modern World (2009).pdf Keeble, Brian - God and Work, Aspects of Art and Tradition (2009).pdf Lakhani, M. Ali - The Sacred Foundations of Justice in Islam, The Teachings of ʻAli ibn Abi Talib (2006).pdf Lakhani, M. Ali - The Timeless Relevance of Traditional Wisdom (2010).pdf Laude, Patrick - Divine Play, Sacred Laughter and Spiritual Understanding (2005).pdf Laude, Patrick - Pathways to an Inner Islam, Massignon Corbin Guenon and Schuon (2010).pdf Laude, Patrick - Singing the Way, Insights in Poetry and Spiritual Transformation (2005).pdf Laude, Patrick [editor] - Pray Without Ceasing, The Way of the Invocation in World Religions (2006).pdf Laude, Patrick and McDonald, Barry [editors] - Music of the Sky, An Anthology of Spiritual Poetry (2004).pdf Lings, Martin - What is Sufism (1983).pdf Lings, Martin [editor] - The Underlying Religion, An Introduction to the Perennial Philosophy (2007).pdf Lumbard, Joseph E. B. [editor] - Islam Fundamentalism and the Betrayal of Tradition, Essays by Western Muslim Scholars (2009).pdf McDonald, Barry [editor] - Every Branch in Me, Essays on the Meaning of Man (2002).pdf McDonald, Barry [editor] - Seeing God Everywhere, Essays on Nature and the Sacred (2003).pdf Michon, Jean-Louis and Gaetani, Roger [editors] - Sufism, Love and Wisdom (2006).pdf Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - A Young Muslim's Guide to the Modern World (2003) (Scan, OCR).pdf Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines (1978) (Scan, OCR).pdf Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Expectation of the Millennium, Shi'ism in History (1989)

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