Throughout its history, Diskeeper has continued to improve with eachrnnew version. Diskeeper version 8.0 continues this tradition with thernintroduction of an expanded product line with innovative new featuresrnand approaches to solving fragmentation problems for everyone, fromrnhome users to huge enterprise IT departments. Since the introductionrnof Diskeeper for Windows NT in 1995, disk capacities have increasedrnsignificantly, particularly in server environments. Nowadays, it isrnnot uncommon to see disk volumes in the terabyte range (1,000rngigabytes, or approximately a thousand billion bytes) with millionsrnof files. High-capacity disks need a specialized approach torndefragmentation, since it can take a typical defragmenter days tornanalyze and defragment such a disk volume. To address thisrnspecialized need, Executive Software has expanded its range ofrndefragmentation products. This expanded product lineup reflects thernwide variety of operation systems available from Microsoft.
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