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CityCad | 106.6 Mb
Launched in 2008, CityCAD was the first major 3D CAD application specifically designed for urban designers and planners. It is an information-rich parametric tool for conceptual masterplanning of sites from 1 hectare in size up to about 200 hectares. You can sketch a layout of streets, adjust the sizes of buildings or the densities of blocks, and watch as CityCAD automatically and instantaneously estimates quantities, dwelling numbers, car parking requirements and much more.

City modelling
CityCAD offers a quick and easy way of sketching urban masterplans in 3D. Junctions with simple kerb radii are automaticaly modelled where routes intersect. If you move roads, then adjacent urban blocks are automatically re-sized.

City analysis
CityCAD offers a range of sophisticated analysis features, giving you quantitative insights into your masterplan from the earliest conceptual design stages. You can create a custom library of land use types and apply these to building floors.

You can enter assumptions for electrical and other energy consumption, water use and refuse generation rates (per person, dwelling unit or unit of area) and total values are instantaneously calculated as you build and evolve your design.

CityCAD offers unique liveability analysis capabilities. For example it can warn you if some dwellings in your masterplan are located above a specified distance threshold from green spaces, bus stops or other defined features.

Create your own library of street types and apply them to routes in your model. Also keep track of movement engineering information such as vehicle and cycle parking spaces, parking requirements and trip generation.

You can add assumptions on build costs, land costs, sale values and capitalized rental values, and see how your project's bottom line changes as you evolve the design. Arrange your plan into phases to understand cash flow over time.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Home Page - https://www.holisticcity.co.uk/

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Download File Size:103.02 MB

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