Autodesk has launched AutoCad 2021. Based upon customer feedback and other surveys, new release contains streamllined and modernised versions of some existing tools in addition to the introduction of some new tools.
What's New in AutoCAD 2021
An overview of 5 of the new features and updates in AutoCAD 2021.
Trim and Extend
The TRIM and EXTEND commands have been changed to make the workflow quicker. It utilises a previously optional method which has now been made the default way of operating.
Rev Cloud
REVCLOUD has been given a long overdue update. For those who use this command frequently it’s always been frustrating. Arc lengths are nearly always the wrong size. Now, this shouldn’t be the case anymore. It uses the size of the drawing area to automatically set the arc length to a more appropriate size. Of course, it might not always be perfect, but the change required should only be minimal.
Break At Point
BREAKATPOINT is a new command which enables a break to be made at a specific point along a Line, Arc or open Polyline.
Quick Measure
QUICK MEASURE has the capability, to very quickly, display area and perimeter information. Simply clicking within a closed boundary, area and perimeter information instantly appears. If these enclosed areas include further closed areas (Islands) these will be automatically detected and removed from the calculation. Pressing the Shift Key enables multiple closed boundaries to be selected and cumulative area and perimeter data displayed. The same key removes already selected areas and the data updated accordingly.
DWG History
DWG HISTORY utilises the drawing history benefits of the following cloud storage providers, ONE DRIVE, DROP BOX and BOX. The cloud storage provider sets the number of versions stored and manages when they will expire.
In summary, AutoCAD 2021 has introduced some long overdue enhancements and new tools to make some previously cumbersome tasks a lot easier to achieve. TRIM and EXTEND have a new feel to them which takes a little bit of getting used to and REVCLOUD has a much better feel to it. BREAKATPOINT brings more reliability, repeatability and accuracy which is long overdue. Drawing History is going to be very popular. It’s easy to use and makes the most of cloud storage providers ability to store a drawings history. Quick Measure just got better. It doesn’t fail to impress.
Watch video below to see these new features in action:
AutoCAD 2021 | New Features and Updates
AutoCAD 2021 provides a set of enhancements based on customer feedback, surveys, and analytic data that prioritize our efforts. Several features modernize and streamline frequently used features across many customer disciplines. The drawing format for this release continues to be AutoCAD 2018. For developers, this is an API-breaking release.
Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

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